Instrucción del deber:

1.- Copiar en el cuaderno de Ingles , todo hasta que empieza el ejercicio No 1.

2.-  Llevar impreso UNICAMENTE los ejercicios  1,2,4 ( LO demas NOO)


Comparative degree –     comparing two things or persons.  

 Superlative degree –     comparing three or more things or persons.









 more horrible

 most horrible

How to compare adjectives

1.       Add er and est to short adjectives of one syllable (sometimes two syllables)


















2. If a short adjective ends with consonant and y, change the y to i and add er and est.




















3. If the  adjective is  short , we double the last consonant and we add er and est.






















4. Put more(less) and most(least) in front of longer adjectives (with two or more syllables) to show comparison.





 less appealing

 least appealing


 more remarkable

 most remarkable


 more beautiful

 most beautiful


 more alert

 most alert

Some adjectives are irregular adjectives and don't follow thee rules. They change form considerably from one degree to the next. You need to study these changes carefully in order to recognize them easily.

















AdjectiveComparative FormExample Sentence
bigbiggerGuayaquil is bigger than Quito.
smallsmallerThe beaches in Manta are smaller than those in Guayaquil.
longlongerThe Malecón Simón Bolívar is longer than the Malecón 2000.
shortshorterThe Parque Histórico Guayaquil is shorter than the Parque Metropolitano.
talltallerThe buildings in Guayaquil are taller than those in Cuenca.
shortshorterThe people in Guayaquil are shorter than those in Quito.
oldolderThe architecture in Guayaquil is older than in Cuenca.
newnewerThe technology in Guayaquil is newer than in Cuenca.
goodbetterThe food in Guayaquil is better than in Quito.
badworseThe traffic in Guayaquil is worse than in Cuenca.
happyhappierThe people in Guayaquil are happier than those in Quito.
sadsadderThe weather in Cuenca is sadder than in Guayaquil.
hothotterThe climate in Guayaquil is hotter than in Cuenca.
coldcolderThe weather in Cuenca is colder than in Guayaquil.
strongstrongerThe people in Guayaquil are stronger than those in Quito.
weakweakerThe economy in Cuenca is weaker than in Guayaquil.
fastfasterThe traffic in Guayaquil is faster than in Cuenca.
slowslowerThe internet in Guayaquil is slower than in Quito.
expensivemore expensiveThe cost of living in Guayaquil is more expensive than in Cuenca.
cheapcheaperThe food in Guayaquil is cheaper than in Quito.

Exercise No. 1

True or False

  • 1.       The Amazon Rainforest is denser than the coastal forests. (True/False)
  • 2.       The weather in the Amazon is less humid than in the Andean region. (True/False)
  • 3.       The Galápagos Islands are more remote than the mainland. (True/False)
  • 4.       The Andes mountains are warmer than the coastal plains. (True/False)
  • 5.       The culture in Quito is less traditional than in Guayaquil. (True/False)
  • 6.       The Pacific Ocean is wider than the rivers in Ecuador. (True/False)
  • 7.       The biodiversity in the Galápagos is less unique than in the Amazon. (True/False)
  • 8.       The altitude of Quito is lower than that of Cuenca. (True/False)
  • 9.       The economy of the coastal region is more dependent on fishing than the Andean region. (True/False)
  • 10.    The climate in the Andean region is cooler than in the Amazon. (True/False)
  • 11.    The population of Guayaquil is smaller than that of Cuenca. (True/False)
  • 12.    The infrastructure in Quito is more developed than in rural areas. (True/False)
  • 13.    The Galápagos Islands are less protected than other regions in Ecuador. (True/False)
  • 14.    The Amazon Rainforest is wetter than the coastal region. (True/False)
  • 15.    The Andes mountains are less rugged than the coastal plains. (True/False)
  • 16.    The culture in the Amazon is more diverse than in the coastal areas. (True/False)
  • 17.    The economy of Quito is less focused on services than that of Guayaquil. (True/False)
  • 18.    The biodiversity in the Amazon is more varied than in the Andean region. (True/False)
  • 19.    The altitude of Cuenca is higher than that of Quito. (True/False)
  • 20.    The climate in the coastal region is drier than in the Amazon. (True/False)

 Exercise No2 

Choose the correct form

1  Guayaquil is (more/less) populous than Quito.

2  The weather in Guayaquil is (warmer/colder) than in Cuenca.

3  The beaches in Guayaquil are (longer/shorter) than those in Manta.

4  The cost of living in Guayaquil is (higher/lower) than in Quito.

5  The traffic in Guayaquil is (worse/better) than in Cuenca.

6  The food in Guayaquil is (spicier/less spicy) than in Quito.

7  The people in Guayaquil are (friendlier/less friendly) than in Quito.

8  The architecture in Guayaquil is (older/newer) than in Cuenca.

The nightlife in Guayaquil is (more exciting/less exciting) than in Cuenca.

10  The museums in Guayaquil are (bigger/smaller) than those in Quito.

11  The Malecón Simón Bolívar in Guayaquil is (longer/shorter) than the Malecón 2000 in Quito.

12  The Parque Histórico Guayaquil is (larger/smaller) than the Parque Metropolitano in Quito.

13  The beaches in Guayaquil are (sandier/less sandy) than those in Manta.

14  The traffic in Guayaquil is (slower/faster) during rush hour than during the day.

15  The cost of living in Guayaquil is (more affordable/less affordable) than in Quito.

16  The people in Guayaquil are (more laid-back/less laid-back) than those in Quito.

17  The weather in Guayaquil is (more humid/less humid) than in Cuenca.

18  The architecture in Guayaquil is (more modern/less modern) than in Cuenca.

19  The nightlife in Guayaquil is (more vibrant/less vibrant) than in Cuenca.

20  The museums in Guayaquil are (more interesting/less interesting) than those

Exercise  No.3 

Guayaquil Quiz: Comparative Adjectives

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.

  1. The climate in Guayaquil is (hot) than in Cuenca.
  2. The food in Guayaquil is (delicious) than in Quito.
  3. The beaches in Guayaquil are (crowded) than those in Manta.
  4. The cost of living in Guayaquil is (expensive) than in Cuenca.
  5. The people in Guayaquil are (friendly) than those in Quito.
  6. The traffic in Guayaquil is (heavy) than in Cuenca.
  7. The nightlife in Guayaquil is (energetic) than in Quito.
  8. The architecture in Guayaquil is (colorful) than in Cuenca.
  9. The museums in Guayaquil are (educational) than those in Quito.
  10. The parks in Guayaquil are (green) than those in Quito.
  11. The people in Guayaquil are (relaxed) than those in Quito.
  12. The beaches in Guayaquil are (clean) than those in Manta.
  13. The food in Guayaquil is (diverse) than in Cuenca.
  14. The nightlife in Guayaquil is (safe) than in Quito.
  15. The museums in Guayaquil are (well-maintained) than those in Cuenca.
  16. The parks in Guayaquil are (large) than those in Quito.
  17. The climate in Guayaquil is (wet) than in Cuenca.
  18. The people in Guayaquil are (hospitable) than those in Quito.
  19. The beaches in Guayaquil are (scenic) than those in Manta.
  20. The food in Guayaquil is (spicy) than in Cuenca.

Exercise No. 4

Reading in context about Comparative adjectives:


Guayaquil - Ecuador

Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest city, is a vibrant and dynamic urban center that offers a stark contrast to the more serene and historic capital, Quito. Known for its bustling port, Guayaquil is larger and more industrialized compared to many other cities in Ecuador. Its skyline is continually evolving, with modern skyscrapers standing in contrast to its colonial past. The city is constantly growing, with newer and taller buildings reaching for the sky, making it a more contemporary and rapidly changing place.

The climate in Guayaquil is noticeably warmer and more humid than in the cooler, high-altitude cities of the Andes. This tropical environment contributes to a more lush and green landscape, with verdant parks and vibrant flora that make the city feel more alive and vibrant. The malecón, or waterfront promenade, is particularly striking with its beautifully landscaped areas that provide a more scenic and relaxing environment compared to the concrete-filled streets found in other parts of the city.

In terms of cultural activities, Guayaquil offers a more diverse and lively scene compared to its Andean counterparts. The city is renowned for its lively festivals and street performances, which are often more colorful and energetic. The local cuisine is also more varied, with seafood being a significant highlight due to the city’s coastal location. Guayaquil’s culinary experiences are richer and more diverse, offering a broader range of flavors compared to the traditional dishes found in more mountainous regions.

Overall, Guayaquil’s rapid development, warmer climate, and vibrant cultural scene make it a city that is continually evolving and growing in prominence. Its dynamic nature offers a stark contrast to the more static and traditional aspects of other Ecuadorian cities, making Guayaquil not only a larger and more modern urban center but also a more exciting and engaging place to explore.


Read the text to answer the questions

Which city is considered larger in terms of population and area?

  • a) Quito, known for its historical significance
  • b) Guayaquil, with its bustling port and expansive urban sprawl
  • c) Cuenca, famous for its colonial architecture
  • d) Loja, known for its cultural heritage

2  Which city is more industrialized with a significant focus on trade and commerce?

  • a) Loja, which has a more traditional economy
  • b) Guayaquil, with its major port and commercial activities
  • c) Cuenca, which focuses more on tourism and crafts
  • d) Quito, with its political and administrative focus

Which city has a hotter and more humid climate year-round?

  • a) Quito, which has a cooler highland climate
  • b) Guayaquil, with its tropical, humid environment
  • c) Cuenca, which enjoys a temperate climate
  • d) Loja, which has a drier climate compared to Guayaquil

4  Which city offers a more vibrant and lush natural environment?

  • a) Cuenca, known for its mountainous and varied landscape
  • b) Loja, with its relatively dry and arid conditions
  • c) Guayaquil, with its tropical, green, and lush parks
  • d) Quito, with its cooler high-altitude greenery

5  Which city is renowned for having a more picturesque and well-maintained waterfront?

  • a) Loja, with limited waterfront access
  • b) Guayaquil, with its extensive malecón and landscaped areas
  • c) Quito, which is situated inland
  • d) Cuenca, known for its river but not a prominent waterfront

6  Which city has a more dynamic and rapidly changing skyline?

  • a) Quito, with its historical buildings and slower development
  • b) Guayaquil, with its modern skyscrapers and ongoing construction
  • c) Cuenca, with its preserved colonial architecture
  • d) Loja, which has a more stable urban landscape

7  Which city is known for having a more varied and extensive range of street festivals?

  • a) Cuenca, with its traditional festivals
  • b) Loja, known for its local and less colorful celebrations
  • c) Guayaquil, with its lively and colorful street performances
  • d) Quito, with a mix of traditional and modern events

8  Which city’s local cuisine is considered more diverse and rich in flavors?

  • a) Loja, with its more traditional dishes
  • b) Guayaquil, known for its seafood and variety of culinary influences
  • c) Cuenca, with its emphasis on Andean flavors
  • d) Quito, with a focus on highland cuisine

9  Which city has a more vibrant and energetic cultural scene, including arts and performances?

  • a) Loja, with a quieter cultural atmosphere
  • b) Cuenca, with its focus on traditional arts
  • c) Guayaquil, with a dynamic and lively cultural environment
  • d) Quito, with a mix of historic and modern cultural activities

10  Which city’s parks and public spaces are considered more beautifully designed and maintained?

  • a) Cuenca, with well-kept but smaller parks
  • b) Loja, with limited green spaces
  • c) Guayaquil, with its expansive and attractively landscaped parks
  • d) Quito, with green spaces that are less prominent


Dialogue No.1 

Mari: Hey Carlos, do you think the weather in Guayaquil is warmer than in Quito?

Carlos: Absolutely, Maria. Guayaquil is much warmer and more humid. Quito, being higher up, has a cooler and drier climate.

Maria: I agree. The evenings in Quito feel so much cooler compared to Guayaquil. But Guayaquil’s waterfront is definitely more modern and picturesque.

Carlos: True! The Malecon in Guayaquil is much more updated and lively. Quito’s historical sites, though, are a lot older and more culturally rich.

Maria: Yes, Quito’s colonial architecture is really fascinating. But for shopping, Guayaquil is better. The malls here are larger and have more variety.

Carlos: That’s right. Guayaquil does have a wider range of shopping options. Still, Quito’s local markets have a more charming and authentic feel.

Maria: Definitely. Each city has its unique strengths and a distinct vibe. It’s interesting how different they are.

Carlos: Absolutely. Both cities offer something special in their own ways.

Dialogue No.2

Ana: Hi Jorge, do you find the food in Cuenca to be tastier than in Quito?

Jorge: Actually, I think Cuenca’s food is more varied and flavorful. But Quito’s traditional dishes are richer in history and have a more distinct taste.

Ana: That’s true. And I’ve noticed that Cuenca’s streets are cleaner compared to Quito’s.

Jorge: Yes, Cuenca does seem to have a more well-maintained appearance. However, Quito’s public transportation is more efficient and widespread.

Ana: I agree. Quito’s buses and trolleybus system are more extensive. Still, Cuenca’s smaller size makes it feel more cozy and easy to navigate.

Jorge: Definitely. Cuenca feels more relaxed, but Quito offers more variety in terms of activities and amenities.

Dialogue No.3

Luis: Hey Marta, do you think the beaches in Esmeraldas are more beautiful than those in Salinas?

Marta: I’d say Esmeraldas’ beaches are more pristine and less crowded compared to Salinas. But Salinas has more developed tourist facilities.

Luis: That’s true. Salinas is definitely more equipped for tourists, but I find the natural scenery in Esmeraldas to be more breathtaking.

Marta: I agree. And the pace of life in Esmeraldas seems slower and more laid-back compared to the busier atmosphere in Salinas.

Luis: Yes, Esmeraldas does feel more relaxed. However, Salinas has a better range of restaurants and entertainment options.

Marta: Definitely. Both places have their own appeal, depending on what you’re looking for.