The relative pronoun “whom” replaces a human object. We rarely use this pronoun any more unless it follows a preposition
  • We are looking at the man.  We are looking at him. The man is doing yoga.
  • The man at whom we are looking is doing yoga.
The relative pronoun “who” replaces a human subject.
  • People do yoga. People are flexible.
  • People who do yoga are flexible.

Whose” replaces a possessive adjective. It is used along with a subject noun.  It shows that the noun subject in the adjective clause belongs to the noun that precedes the adjective clause.  It can be used for a person OR a thing.
  • The man is extremely flexible. His body is bent like a pretzel.
  • The man whose body is bent like a pretzel is extremely flexible.
The person who built this treehouse is a genius.  The person who built this must be a great dad.
The children who play in this treehouse are very lucky.
The children for whom it was built must feel so happy.
The children with whom they play are probably jealous of them.
The treehouse, whose windows and railings are covered in lights, looks beautiful.
The treehouse, whose owners must be very wealthy, has many rooms.


Fill in the blanks with the relative clause  "when / where / why" to complete the sentences.

1.-We want to go to a beach _______ we can sunbathe and swim.
2.-. Parents should seek and find the reasons _______ their children play computer games for long hours.
3.- They want to learn the day _______ they will receive their cup for the volleyball championship.
4.-. Do you know the reason _______ Joseph and Lilly argued yesterday?
5.-. Is there a good barber shop _______ I can have my hair cut?
6.-. Could you tell me _____________ you didn`t call me ?
7.-. I know a wonderful place _______ we can take photographs of beautiful butterflies and flowers.
8.- The school director asked _______ the two kids were crying?
9.-Mr.Gordon works in a small company _______ he has a lot of friendly colleagues.
10. I will telephone and tell you ______ I will arrive at the bus station.
11. The boss asked _______ I wanted to work in his company and I told him I needed money.
12. The time is mentioned on the poster , but I can't see _______ the concert will take place.
13. You should tell the taxi driver _______ you want to go as soon as you get into the car.
14. Have you found an answer _______ the sky is blue?
15. Do you know _______ this photograph was taken? I will find out how old I was then.
16. Who can tell me _______ World War I started and finished?
17.-. The tourist didn't know _______ to find fishing equipment so I took them to the shop by the harbor.
18.- 14 is the year ______  the First World War started.
19.- Dallas is the city _____________  Kennedy was shot.
20.- I can`t understand ____________you left me.


Choose the correct answer.
1.- The train ________ goes to Madrid leaves from platform 2.
a.- where b.- who c.- which d.- whose
2.- The friend ________ CD I borrowed wants it back.
a.- which b.- where c.- who d.- whose
3.- Where’s the dog _________ lives next door?
a.- who b.- which c.- whose d.- when
4.- My friend Caroline, ________ is Scottish, tells funny jokes.
a.- who b.- which c.- whose d.- where
5.- If you can’t find the hotel ________ I stayed last weekend,
I can tell you ________ to ask.
a.- which / where b.- where / who c.- where / which
6.- Do you know ________ this mobile phone belongs to?
a.- which b.- where c.- whom d.- who
7.- The students didn’t understand ________ the teacher said.
a.- what b.- that c.- which d.- where
8.- The meal ________ we had at the restaurant was very good.
a.- where b.- which c.- who d.- whose
9.- “Grease” was the first film ________ I saw at the cinema.
a.- what b.- who c.- which d.- where
10.- The teacher, ________ I spoke this morning, said I was doing
very well.
a.- who b.- whom c.- to whom d.- which
11.- Do you know anyone ______ has visited Ireland?
a.- whom b.- whose c.- that d.- which
12.- My neighbour, ________ speaks three languages, is a translator.
a.- that b.- who c.- whose d.- which
13.- My cousin works for a company _________ sells laptops.
a.- who b.- what c.- ---- d.- that
14.- The computer problem, ______ was unexpected, is now solved.
a.- who b.- which c.- that d.- whose
15.- This the book _________ everybody has been waiting for.
a.- whose b.- what c.- that d.- whom
16.- Children ________ families are broken suffer a lot.
a.- that b.- who c.- which d.- whose
17.- This is the village _________ my mother spent her childhood.
a.- when b.- which c.- where d.- who
18.- The woman to _______ you were speaking is my aunt.
a.- who b.- that c.- which d.- whom
19.- The desks, ________ are very old, need to be changed.
a.- who b.- that c.- which d.- whom
20.- He doesn’t remember the day ________ he left school.
a.- why b.- that c.- whose d.- who

Multiple-choice exercises
Choose the correct answer for each question in the quiz.   <= 1 / 40 =>
   1. a lot of sugar and some candies often get bad teeth.
1   who                        2.   whose                           3.    which                4.   ----
   2.   There wasn't any directory in that telephone box........I was phoning.
         1.  from this box               2.  from that           3.   From which           4.   which
   3.    Some of my friends .........have not yet arrived.
         1.  whom I invited them      2.   to whom I invited         3.   I invited         4.   I invited them
   4.      Go and find the driver......arrived here last week.
         1.   whose                        2.   Where              3.   Who                         4.  whom
   5.    We gave the money to the people.........we knew to be honest.
         1.   who                           2.   Whose              3.   Which                        4.   whom
                       6.           This is the girl.......picture I saw in the newspaper yesterday.
         1.   who                           2.   -----                 3.   That                          4.   whose
   7.    She is reading the book cover is torn.
         1.   which                         2.   With                 3.   of which                    4.   that
   8.    "What interests you?"               "The subject.......I am interested is English."
         1.   in that                        2.   in which              3.   Which                      4.   that
   9     Her father, may have heard, is a famous doctor.
         1.   whom                        2.   of whom           3.   of that                      4.   whose
  10.         My vacation,.........I can get some rest, is coming soon.
         1.   when                          2.   Where                      3.   Which               4.   that
  11.      There are telephones.........members of the staff may use for business calls only.
         1.   which                        2.   Whose                    3.   for which              4.   of which
  12.         The girls .......we heard shouting were watching the tennis match.
         1.   who                            2.   ----                 3.   That                          4.   whose
  13.         My friend very well off will further her studies abroad.
         1.   who her family            2.   which family               3.   whose family     4.   her family
  14.      The house........they live needs repairing and repainting.
         1.   which                         2.  Where                        3.   in that              4.   to which
  15.   The boy .........I spoke to you yesterday is absent.
         1.   about whom                2.   Who                          3.   Whom              4.   that
  18.         The fastest passenger aircraft.........operate regularly is the Concorde.
         1.   , who                         2.   It                              3.   That                 4.   , which
  21.      Can you suggest a time........will be convenient to meet?
         1.   where                        2.   Why                          3.   That                 4.   when
  22.     I saw the boy ........did it.
         1.   who                           2.   Whom                        3.   Which               4.   whose
  23.      Paris,.......... I lived for a short time, is beautiful.
         1.   which                         2.   in which                     3.   That                 4.   in that
  26.         The day on............. the interview would take place had not been fixed.
         1.   when                         2.   That                          3.   Which               4.  of which
  30.         I cannot come at the suggested.
         1.   when                         2.   Where                       3.   Which               4.   that
  31.         We gave money to the people...............we knew deserved it.
         1.   who                          2.   Whose               3.   Which                        4.   whom
    34.       Phu Ping is the palace........everyone longs to visit.
         1.   where                        2.   Which               3.   to which                     4.   to that
      The manager, you borrowed, needs it tomorrow.
         1.   that                           2.   Which               3.   Whose                       4.   in whose
  39.        MrBrace, I was last night, collects coins.
         1.   whose                        2.   Where              3.   at whose                    4.   that
    40.-George was able to describe the burglar, ......was of great assistance to the police.
         1.   who                           2.   Which               3.   That                          4.   whom

1. The scouts in my school were sure to visit the town after the flood the location ---- was little known.

where                           of which                        whose                           that                                in which

2. My sister Ann had always wanted to go to a place ---- she could speak her native tongue.

which                            whom            whose           where           for which
3. Dogs and cats will sometimes eat rocks, ---- may result in a variety of problems for both you and your pet.

that                                why                when                             whom                                            which
4. I come from the Seattle area, ---- many successful companies such as Microsoft and Boeing are located, and i often go home during the summer.

whose                           in which                        why                                who                               for which
5. The 191st century artist, ---- name I could not remember, was one of the best i had ever seen.

which                            whose                           that                                who                               whom
6. Marine excavation is a race not only against time and the sea but also the looters --- want history's treasures for themselves.

which                            whom                            when                             where                           who
7. He came for the weekend wearing only so me shorts and a T-shirt, ---- was a stupid thing to do in such a cold weather.
what                              that                                where                           which                            whom
8. Virginia, ---- is said to be quite beautiful, is the home of many senators and representatives now.

that                                where                           in which                        which                            who

9. The large limousine ---- was loaded with students up to the limit was stopped by the police.

when                             for which                      which                            in which                        what
10. Crossing Death Valley, ---- temperatures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was a near insurmountable task for the early pioneers.

that                                where                           when                             whom                            which


Relative Pronouns 

1.- Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).
  1. This is the bank  was robbed yesterday.
  2. A boy  sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.
  3. The man  robbed the bank had two pistols.
  4. He wore a mask  made him look like Mickey Mouse.
  5. He came with a friend  waited outside in the car.
  6. The woman  gave him the money was young.
  7. The bag  contained the money was yellow.
  8. The people  were in the bank were very frightened.
  9. A man  mobile was ringing did not know what to do.
  10. A woman  daughter was crying tried to calm her.
  11. The car  the bank robbers escaped in was orange.
  12. The robber  mask was obviously too big didn't drive.
  13. The man  drove the car was nervous.
  14. He didn't wait at the traffic lights  were red.
  15. A police officer _______ car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them  EXERCISE 6
 Choose one of the following relative pronouns whowhich or whose .

1.            I talked to the girl    ___        car had broken down in front of the shop.
2.            Mr Richards,    _____        is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
3.            I live in a house in Norwich   ____         is in East Anglia.
4.            This is the girl    _____        comes from Spain.
5.            That's Peter, the boy   ____         has just arrived at the airport.
6.            Thank you very much for your e-mail  ____          was very interesting.
7.            The man,   ___         father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
8.            The children,   ____         shouted in the street, are not from our school.
9.            The car,  ____          driver is a young man, is from Ireland.

10.          What did you do with the money   ____         your mother lent you?

                  Relative Clauses Worksheet
Use the relative pronouns in the box to complete the sentences
                  who(m)- that -which -where -when -whose
1. The doctor _______ examined the child was very gentle.
2. I live in Canada, _______ is a densely populated country.
3. Lee teaches a class of students _______ native language is not English.
4. Yesterday, I ran into an old friend _______ I hadn't seen for years.
5. Dan says he will always remember the day _______ his parents first bought him a
bike for his birthday.
6. That's the drawer _______ I keep my jewellery.
7. The town _______ I used to live in was not very big.
8. The people _______ house I am staying at are very kind to me.
9. Is this store _______ you said you bought the fishing equipment?
10. Here is the place _______ grandpa always used to talk about.
11. I am in need of a coat _______ will keep me warm.
12. We don't have a big enough room in _______ we can apply sample tests.
13. Why don't you consult someone _______ has experienced the same troubles?
14. The woman _______ husband is a football player always complains about the
stains _______ never come off easily.
15. Here is a big thank you to all _______ contributed to this wonderful website.
16. What I'm now going to tell you is something _______ you'll never foget in your life.
17. The severe drought _______ occured last summer ruined the crop.
18. The voters were overwhelmingly against the canditate _______ proposals called for
higher taxes.