Direct Speech
Reported Speech
That day
The day before
… before
Last week
The week before
Next year
The following year
the next day / the following day

1.-  Enter one word in each box to make appropriate equivalents to the specific expressions of time and place, which you could use in reported speech
1.             "I'll do it later today."
                He said he'd do it later ______ day. (4 letters)
2.             "I'll speak to him tomorrow."            
                She said she'd speak to him the_____  day (4 letters)
                She said she'd speak to him the  ____ day. (9 letters)
3.             "I saw her yesterday."        
                He said she'd seen her the day______  . (6 letters)
                He said she'd seen her the_______  day. (8 letters)
4.             "I'll do it right now."            
                She said she'd do it right _______ . (4 letters)

5.             "I'm busy now"    
                He said he was busy ______ (4 letters)          
6.             "Is this what you wanted?"
                She asked me if______  was what I wanted. (4 letters)
7.             "I haven't been here for very long."
                She said she hadn't been______  for very long. (5 letters)

2.-  Change the direct speech into reported speech. Use 'she said' at the beginning of each answer, you  need to change the time expressions. 

1) “I live in New York” .        _____________________
2) “He works in a bank” .                   _____________________

3) “Julie doesn’t like going out much” .         _____________________
4) “I don’t have a computer” .                        _____________________
5) “They never arrive on time” .                      _____________________
6) “We often meet friends in London at the weekend” .       _____________________
7) “David doesn’t have any children” .          _____________________
8) “I don’t go to the gym very often” .          _____________________

1) “I went to the cinema yesterday.” .  _______________________________
2) “Jane left the party early.” .                        _______________________________
3) “I didn't go out at the weekend.” .  _______________________________
4) “He didn't like chocolate as a child.” .  _______________________________ 
5) “They visited Japan.” last  year.   _______________________________
6) “She didn't buy the dress.” .              _______________________________


1) “I've never been to Brazil.” .                                  ___________________________________
2) “She has visited Paris three times.” .                      ___________________________________
3) “He has read War and Peace.” .                 ___________________________________
4) “I haven't seen Julie for ages.” .                 ___________________________________
5) “He hasn't been to school this week.” .      ___________________________________
6) “We haven't seen The Lord of the Rings.” .           ___________________________________
7) “They've eaten in a lot of different restaurants.” . ___________________________________ 


1) "He works in a bank" .     __________________________
2) "We went out last night" ._________________________
3) "I'm coming!" .       _____________________________
4)  "I didn't go to the party" ._________________________
5 "Lucy will come later" .  ___________________________
6) "I can help you tomorrow" ._________________________________
7) "I don't like chocolate" ._______________________________________
8) "I won't see you tomorrow" ._________________________________
9) "She's living in Paris for a few months" ._____________________________
10) "I visited my parents at the weekend" ._______________________
11) "I'll do the washing-up later" .______________________________________

6.-  Choose the best (most grammatically correct) response:
1. "My grandfather will  cook dinner for us".
She told me that her grandfather ________ dinner for us.
would cook                      would be cooking                          cook
2. "I loved him very much".
My sister told me that she ________ him very much.
was loving            loved                                had loved
3. "Marta is learning Vietnamese".                 He told me that Marta ________ Vietnamese.
will learn               learns                                was learning
4. "Yeah, I've been to Greece.".                      My friend told me that he ________ to Greece.
been                      had been                           was
5. "I'll talk to the general about this".              The colonel said that he ________ to the general about this.
would talk            will talk                            talked
6. "I have been to this bar.".               He told me that he had been  to _____  bar.
that                       these                                 those
7. "I run a successful design studio".              Victor told the man that he ________ a successful design studio.
running                 was running                      ran
8."I am a good dancer".                     She told me that she ________ a good dancer.
is                           was                                   will be
9. "I have been to this bar.".               He told me that he ________ to that bar.
had been               will have been                  is being
10. "I was writing an email to my girlfriend yesterday"
He told me that he  had been writing an email to his girlfriend_____.
the day before      the following day                         that day


Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work. Others, however, prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. As far as I am concerned, getting up early is a good habit because it is good for health, and it is easy for people to take care of everyday work.
In the first place, everyone knows that getting up early is a very good habit for our health. You can enjoy the fresh air in the early morning, and also you can get a good night's sleep during the quiet midnight. Moreover, if you get up early, before go to work, you still have enough time to do some exercises, such as walking, running and riding the bike. Without doubt, all of the exercises can help your to stay healthy.
In the second place, it is easy to take care of everyday work if people get up early. For example, if everyone in the family gets up early, the wife will have enough time to prepare the breakfast for the whole family, the children will have enough time to catch the school bus, the husband will never forget to change his dirty shirt. Everything is in order.
In third place, some people who work until midnight and get up later in the day claim that working in the midnight is more efficient for them and they can concentrate on their work without distraction. However, the advantages of getting up early carry more weight than those of getting up late.
To sum up, from what I have discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that getting up early can benefit us not only because it is good for our health but also it is easy for us to take care of everyday work. Therefore, I prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work.

It is commonly known that parents expect to see their children behaving decently and respectfully. It is extremely important for parents to provide to their kids a clear explanation of what is bad and what is good. Hence, by having parents' support and advices, children could achieve the important qualities that later their parents could be proud of.  In my opinion, the basic qualities of a being a good son or daughter have been remaining the same over years.
The most important quality, I think, is that we should respect our parents. It was our parents who brought us into the world and brought us up. They provided us food and clothes, and send us to schools to be educated. They tried their bests to make our life happy and comfortable.  Accordingly, it was our responsibility to respect our parents, including their efforts and opinions. We should not spend too much money on useless items because the money comes from parents' hard work. At the same time, we must listen to the right advices from parents and don't act according to our own wishes and desires despite the objection of our parents.
The second quality for a good son or daughter is that we should take care for our parents when they become old. Nowadays we have already attended the university, usually far away from parents. So we should keep in touch with them by telephone, letter and e-mail, not making them feel lonely. We may talk about their life at home, such as their work and their health. In fact every time when I give a call to my parents, I may feel that the call bring them happiness. The reason is that not only can they know that I am doing well, but also they know that their son cares about his parents.

A good son or daughter should have many merits. From my point of view, respecting the parents and caring for them are the most important for everyone. What's more, these values cannot be changed with the development of the society because they are the fundamental qualities of a good son or daughter.


In some countries children have very strict rules of behavior, in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything they like. To what extent should children have to follow rules?
The extent to which children have to follow rules is in itself a very complex issue, since children across the world grow up in very different cultures. In India for example, children are expected to be very submissive to their parents as well as other adults around them. This, however, is not the case with the Western countries of the world where children follow the motto ‘Thou shalt do what thou wilt’ as promoted by celebrities and rock stars. I believe that following strict rules has both advantages as well as serious drawbacks as discussed below.
Firstly, strict rules of behavior create responsible and respectful children who in turn mature into respectful adults. This forms a stable society which is virtually free from negative trends such as prostitution and drug abuse. Secondly, if children do not follow strict rules of behavior, they may get out of hand and become work-shy and indolent. This may then create a burden on the society since the government has to find ways to cater for these social ills.
However, forcing children to follow strict rules of behavior doesn’t always yield positive results as discussed above, most of the time it backfires and works against society. For example, teenagers are more likely to do the opposite of what they’re told to do simply because they want to be independent. Children should also have rights to exercise their free will and develop their own pattern of behaviors. Imposing strict rules may simply destroy the individuality of children.
At the end of the day, it is clear that children should be guided by rules, but these rules should not be imposed on them because as human beings, they need to have room to develop their own traits of character and adopt a behavioral pattern of their own.

Teamwork vs. working independently
Some people like to work independently, while others would prefer to work in a team. Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people in a team or to work independently? Depending on different personal traits and working environments, people will have different answer to this question. I think being able to work in a team is more important for me.
First, the modern society and industry is a complicated system that requires teamwork, communication and cooperation among companies and individuals. Take a computer system for example, it comprises of hardware, operating system and software, which are manufactured separately by different companies. Not one single company can accomplish a computer system without using products and technologies from other companies. Similarly, in a company, communication and teamwork is more and more important among workers because a worker cannot do his/her work properly without interacting with his supervisor and colleagues.
Second, there are many advantages of working in a group than working alone. Teamwork provides a worker with a cooperative, friendly and enjoyable work environment. The team can also be helpful in responding to a worker's questions and problems, therefore increase the work efficiency. Teamwork can also challenge a worker's abilities and he/she can acquire valuable experiences from it.
Third, the ability of working independently does not contradict with the ability to work in a team. For example, in a team environment, I enjoyed being a major contributor to my team. The fact that others depended on my work made me feel like I was doing worthwhile things. For example, I was in charge of the front end for the GUI. This was very valuable experience, because I know how important it is to work in a team.
In conclusion, I think the most important quality in a work environment is the ability to work with others in a team.

When I think about my childhood years, I my first friends come to my mind, those who were the first people besides my family I got to know, who became my friends and grew up with me. Most of them were classmates, relatives and of course, neighbors. Neighbors are those people who share the street, block and fences with us. Their existence has always been taken for granted, and they haven't been given the importance or attention that they deserve. For some people, neighbors can mean “troublesome” or “annoyance." For others, neighbors are considered as relatives, and they enjoy having a good and close relationship with their neighbors. Of course, the opinions depend on personality of individuals, culture, type of housing (house or apartment), place (a big city, a small town, or the country) among others. But both points of view may come to an agreement when determining “what makes a good neighbor?”
In the first place, a good neighbor should be considerate. Knowing that you should treat others the way you expect to be treated is a quality that makes people respect boundaries (physical, social and emotional). For instance, a neighbor who can tell when the noise of his stereo makes may bother the people next door, and is able to turn it down taking into consideration of his neighbors' needs.
In the second place, being sympathetic is another characteristic that a neighbor should have. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes makes you understand better the feelings of somebody who is in trouble, and consequently, offer appropriate help. An example could be a situation where you know that your neighbor divorced recently and is going through a hard time. Maybe you will be more understanding when you see her in a bad mood, and avoid an unnecessary conflict, because you can see the way she feels.
Finally, good manners and a polite way to address your neighbors can polish even the toughest relationship. When a neighbor is rude, even if we excuse him or her by saying, “that's the way he/she is”, we feel a little rejected. A nice smile or a “Hello” helps a lot to start a friendly conversation, and to avoid misunderstandings such as “He never speaks to me, so he must be mad at me or something." Manners do help to start friendships. There are so many more characteristics that we could list, and there are many ways we could make a more accurate picture of the perfect neighbor we all want to have. But I guess the best way to “edify” our neighbors is by being good neighbors ourselves. We cannot demand others to do something for us that we cannot offer to do for them. We should stop complaining about what our neighbor always does that bothers us; we'd better start analyzing what we are doing to make the relationships with “the people next door” flourish. Let us start setting the example.


The advantages of living in my city
It is almost always the case that a person who has been
living in a rural area for a while confronts certain conveniences and inconveniences of living in a city. One convenience is the number and diversity of stores and shops available in a short distance in a city. A big inconvenience is the traffic congestion that takes place in many places.
One big thing I remind my foreign friend who is planning
to move to my city is that there is cultural diversity, or
even conflicts. My friend is an international student from
Japan who is living in a small town in California. As a foreigner, he confronts with cultures of local people everyday.

On the other hand he realizes that there are few
stores and restaurants that are native to his culture. It is
very normal that such a person gets homesick and starts
missing people and foodstuffs from his own country.
Moving to a big city will satisfy such needs of him because
there are many stores, restaurants, and supermarkets that
are run by Japanese companies so he will less likely to be
homesick any more.
However, there is one big inconvenience about living in a
city, which is traffic. Especially people who drive often
feel stressed on the streets that are always packed with
cars lining up in the streets. It is always difficult to find
parking spots either in the parking lots or on the street.

Furthermore, apartments do not always provide sufficient
parking spots to their residents. A lot of people who live
in city feel less convenient to keep cars and choose to use
public transportation. However, unfortunately, the public
transportation system is not perfectly great around my
My city satisfies and dissatisfies my foreign friend who
drives. The availability of stores and shops that are native
to his country soothes his dissatisfaction about being surrounded by different cultures. However, on the other
hand, traffic jam that is always the problem in big cities
gives new stress that he is currently free from. It is a matter of balance between the two features that he needs to settle in.


Should people do things that they do not
When it comes to the topic should people sometimes do
things that they do not enjoy doing, optimistic and pessimistic
people have different attitudes toward this topic.
For me, a person who likes changes a little, I would prefer
to do some different things sometimes even if I do not
like them. There are many reasons why I should sometimes
do things they do not enjoy doing.
The first reason is that I could get more experiences from
the things I am doing, no matter I enjoy it or not. There
are pros and cons for every experience. What I learned
from doing something I dislike is to conquer the similar
situation and take the advantage of good changes I may
encounter again in the future. In addition, I will see such
a disagreeable thing as diversity to my routine life.
Secondly, many things which I do not enjoying doing can
actually do well to me. For example, I do not like to
sweat because it makes me uncomfortable with those
sticky clothes and bad smell. But for exercise, the activity
will cause me to sweat, surely keep me in good shape
and benefit my health. Besides, I feel happy whenever I
see my figure become more slender. Moreover, Overcoming
displeased things gives me a sense of achievement.
In conclusion, it is not bad for me to do something I do not enjoy doing. Therefore, I agree that people should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.


This question is very arguable. Before rendering my opinion, let's consider the advantages for boys and girls to attend separate schools. Since boys and girls are different in many ways, they have different hobbies and the ways to learn new things. If they attend separate schools, the education can be more efficient because the school can teach them differently according to their personalities. But the disadvantages are greater. While boys and girls attend separate schools, there're few chances for them to communicate with opposite sexes, which will become a handicap for them to communicate with each other in their future.
As far as I concerned, boys and girls should not attend separate schools. The first and foremost reason is that people should have experience with the opposite sex when they are at school, because the society consists of both male and female members, and people have to learn how to communicate with the opposite sex.  Moreover, people have to learn from the opposite sex. For example, while females should learn braveness from males, males should learn carefulness from females. 

In addition, in a family, to learn from the opposite sex becomes more important to keep the family harmonious. In addition, the knowledge of the opposite sex is also important. Without such knowledge, dealing with the opposite sex in a relationship becomes extremely difficult.

Finally, as we can see, it's definitely important for boys and girls to attend schools together, so that they can learn from each other, communicate with each other and they can understand each other well, which is very valuable for their future.


Jewelry or concert?
People make money for living first and then use the
money for other things that lead them to a happy and
healthy life, such as buying something they like, watching
a movie, or eating a big meal. In my opinion, if I have
received a gift of money, I would like to buy a ticket to a
For me, music is always attractive. When I have completed
a whole day's study or finished the discussion on
some academic problems, my spirit will be eager to relax
for a while. When people want to relax, it is a wonderful
thing to go to a concert: the music playing on the concert
is the best thing to set your mind free. If you spend the
money to listen to a concert, you will fell that the cost is
In addition, you can attend the concert with your friends.
It is a good chance to build up the relationship between
your friends and you. People are always busy with their
work and study, losing many occasions of communicating
with each other, a splendid concert and link us together.
The music, the conductor and all the musicians on the
concert can offer us a common topic; we can discuss
those things together.
Furthermore, listening to a concert let me learn more
about music and all kinds of instruments, it also culture
the appreciatory ability. To think that I spend the money
to buy a piece of jewelry, I can acquire nothing but being
a little bit beautiful at one of my friend's birthday parties.
In that case, I just fell that the money has gone.
Money, even a little money, can make your life more valuable,
for this reason, I prefer to buy a ticket to a concert
than to a piece of jewelry.

 ESSAY: 10

Firstly, at school and university, what group A gains is almost entirely theory, theory and theory. Of course, theory is very neccessary, however, you can’t do everything with just theory. You must have practicable experience. This is what group A lack very much. Although in the third or fourth year at university, group A can be apprentices in some companies, to help them approach their future jobs, they aren’t trained well because of the short time spent working. And the real job is still very strange to them. After graduating, without experience, group A students can’t accomplish their work perfectly. On the other hand, it takes them time and money to keep up with other experienced students and they may be scorned. Therefore, group A students can contribute less than group B who have the two most important things: skills and experience.
Secondly, as group A students are contributing less, they surely get less benefit. Moreover, many companies which employ people in group A have to train them from ground-up. These companies take this cost from group A’s salary to reduce the risk of their employees leaving to other companies after being trained. So, less benefits are unavoidable and certain, Whereas group B members are more loyal and effective workers. They also have useful experience and skills. Besides, their education is the same as or even higher than that of group A. As the result, group B gets more benefits absolutely.
In conclusion, I think a student should travel or work before going to the university. That way, not only will they have basic knowledge but also skills and experience which are useful for them to get a good job and have a brilliant future.